AMVETS of New Jersey

About AMVETS of New Jersey
AMVETS is veterans helping veterans to secure their entitlements and live productive lives! Our services include healthcare, retirement benefits, job training and counseling. A veteran’s earned entitlements are important to us! That is why we continue to speak out for veterans and the continued necessity of meeting veterans needs.
AMVETS National Service Officers accredited by the V.A. provide free expert advice and claims assistance to veterans and their families. AMVETS maintains an active legislative program and is a recognized presence on Capitol Hill.
AMVETS hospital volunteers contribute thousands of hours to brighten the lives of hospitalized veterans. Our National Service Foundation donates thousands of dollars to Veterans Administration Medical Centers for medical equipment and supplies.
AMVETS actively supports Americanism, scholarships, driver safety, blood drives, organ donor programs, Paws with a Cause and the Special Olympics
AMVETS License Plates:
Help Us Help Them:
AMVETS American Veterans Department of New Jersey Service Foundation
Dear AMVET and Friends of AMVETS: Our Service Foundation is constantly expanding our Veterans Support Programs. Currently we provide programs at the VA East Orange Medical Centers, Lyons VA Medical Center and the three New Jersey Veterans Homes, Paramus, Menlo Park and Vineland. We also support a program at Veterans Haven. ALL OF THIS COSTS MONEY AND WE NEED YOUR DONATIONS AND SUPPORT SO THAT WE CAN CONTINUE THESE PROGRAMS. WE NOW HAVE A NEW MISSION. We now have a new Generation of Veterans. Many of our troops are returning home with Combat related injuries. They will need our support to assist them in securing the Benefits they have earned. Family support programs are a new issue we must address. Broken Families, Homeless Veterans and returning Veterans that can not adjust to returning home. New issues we have never faced before. If you know of a Veteran that needs assistance, please let us know. Check with your employer. Do they have a matching fund program? If they do, they will match your Donation. The AMVET Motto-VETERANS SERVING VETERANS . Your donation will be appreciated AND IT IS TAX DEDUCTIBLE. Please feel free to visit us at any time for more details concerning the operations of our Foundation. Our New Jersey Charities Registration Number is 4035-03926.
Please make checks payable to:
AMVETS Department of New Jersey Service Foundation
Mail to:
AMVETS Department of New Jersey Service Foundation415 Shore Rd. Somers Point, NJ 08244
Planned Giving
Planned Giving Basics:
What Is a “Planned” Gift?
Planned giving is a term commonly used to describe a wide variety of donation options that allow you to contribute to New Jersey AMVETS during your lifetime, or after your death, while at the same time addressing your current income needs and/or your desire to provide for your heirs. Planned gifts are usually contemplated by donors when they draw up their estate plans. However, the process of amending these arrangements at a later date to include charitable giving is a relatively uncomplicated one. From a donor perspective, planned giving is attractive for many reasons. Certain planned giving vehicles generate income for defined periods or for life, offer higher yields than commercial investments, and result in reduced capital gain and estate taxes. Planned gifts are a viable option for those donors who are uncertain how much of their assets they will need to support themselves and their families during their lifetimes, especially during retirement years. The most common types of planned gifts are bequests, life insurance policy designations, gifts of retirement fund assets, Charitable Remainder and Charitable Lead Trusts, and Charitable Gift Annuity agreements.
What Are My Planned Giving Options?
- Charitable Bequests: The term “charitable bequest” is used to describe any assets that you leave New Jersey AMVETS from your estate through your will or a trust. You can arrange to bequeath a gift from your estate in several different ways. You can set aside a specific dollar amount, leave a percentage of your estate, or donate any assets left over after your family has been provided for. At the time of your death, the value of the assets you designate to New Jersey AMVETS will be eliminated from your taxable estate.
- Life Insurance Policy Designation By designating New Jersey AMVETS as either the primary or a contingent beneficiary of your life insurance policy, 401(k) Plans and Retirement Funds
Whom Do I Contact? For more information about how a planned gift might fit into your overall giving to New Jersey AMVETS as well as your financial plans, please contact:
New Jersey AMVETS 415 Shore Road Somers Point, NJ 08244Telephone 609-526-4356
Note: NJ AMVETS Strongly encourages the consultation with a professional legal advisor when preparing a will. This should not be used as legal advise.
Veterans In Need of Assistance
Veterans are being accepted at Meadowview Nursing and Rehabilitation Center, newly signed contract with the VA, care include sub-acute rehabilitation, respite care, end of life care and long term nursing home care for eligible veterans.
Those interested in receiving care at Meadowview can call the facility at 609-645-5955. Meadowview is located at 235 Dolphin ave, Northfield NJ
- Knitted Knockers are special, soft, light weight breast prosthetics that are very comfortable for women who have undergone mastectomies, lumpectomies and radiation, and/ or are undergoing reconstruction.
- Catholic Charities’ Veteran Services (Ready Vet Go) Program: Atlantic and Cape May Counties Outreach Case Workers, Diana Carolina Martinez or Nelson Gonzalez, Phone: 856-701-5428, Fax: 856-342-4180, or, or
- DRNJ (Disability Rights New Jersey) Intake Unit210 South Broad St., Third Floor, Trenton, NJ 08608,Phone 800-922-7233, Fax 609-292-9742,
- Jewish Family Service, Laura Rodgers, LCSW, 609-822-1108 Help for Homeless Veterans: 877-424-3838,
- Heroes on the Water, Programs: Warriors & Family Members Served, Reduction in overall stress, Reduction in hyper vigilance, Reduction in avoidance behavior. 101-C N. Greenville Ave. #55, Allen, TX 75002, Phone: 214.295.4541, Email:, Website:
- Newark, NJ, US Dept. of Veterans Affairs: Military Services Coordinator & Homeless Veterans Outreach Coordinator:Paul Charbonneau, 973-704-3865, Fax 973-297-3219,
- Newark, NJ Veterans Services – 1-800-827-1000.
- New Jersey Dept. of Military and Veterans Affairs: Chris W Wambaugh 609-441-3060
- New Jersey’s Mission of Honor for Cremains of American Veterans For Cremains of American Veterans abandoned remains. Contact: Information Management 732-232-3286,
- NJ HomeSaver: Free appointment 800-989-2227
- NEW JERSEY JUDICIARY ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE OF THE COURTS Stuart Rabner, Chief Justice, Glenn A. Grant, J.A.D., Acting Administrative Courts Director
- Operation First Response (Serving Wounded Heroes and Families): Phone: 888-289-0280, Fax 888-505-2795, Email:
- Superior Court of New Jersey, information on court matters, Kathy Boyle, Assistant Criminal Division Manager, 609-909-8249
- US Dept. of Veterans Affairs, NJ VA Health Care System: Frank Quadrino, Manager, Outreach Program, Office of the Chief of Staff 908-647-0180 X 5815, Fax 908-604-5247, VA Caregiver Support: 1-855-260-3274
- VA Health Benefits Application Forms: 1-877-222-8387, and Select (Contact The VA)
- VA Veterans Choice Program, Wilmington VAMC: Christine O’Donnell, 302-994-2511 X 4248, VA Traveling Veteran Program: Colleen Donahue, Coordinator, 302-994-2511 X 7859
- VA Veterans Transportation Service (VTS) in Wilmington VA Medical Center: Roy E. Cephas – Mobility Manager VTS, (302) 994-2511 x 4469, To schedule transportation, contact the Transportation Coordinator at: (302) 994-2511 x 4871
- Veterans Free Legal Help: Volunteer Lawyers for Justice (VLJ) is offering legal assistance for veterans in New Jersey needing help with military records corrections or discharge upgrades.
- Driver’s License Restoration, Fridays: 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm. , call (973) 645-1955,Lawyer for Vets: Weiner Lesniak LLP, Attorneys at Law George T. Hanley, Esq., 629 Parsippany Road, Parsippany, NJ 07054,Phone 973-403-1100. Fax 973-403-0010
- Veteran’s Haven South (NJ Transitional Housing for Veterans) P.O. Box 80, 301 Spring Garden Rd., Winslow, NJ 08095-0080609 561-0269 or 609 567-5806 or Toll Free: 888-849-7188, Fax: 609 561-7604 Vets helping Vets – 856-579-7561 or 856-340-5861
- Veterans Crisis Line: 1-800-273-8255 and press 1
- Veterans Mental Health and Courts Assistance, for information on benefits and services: NJ Dept. of Military and Veterans Affairs, Call 1-866-VETS-NJ-4-U(1-866-838-7654) 24 hours a day or visit state.
- Veterans Military Service Record DD 214 Request:314-801-0800,
- Welcome Home Vets of NJ, Providing Care for Our Soldiers, Veterans and their families in need: Chairman, George T. Hanley, Esq. 831-38 Route 10 East, Suite 262, Whippany NJ 07981,,
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