Army Emergency Relief

About Army Emergency Relief
AER’s Mission
To provide grants, interest-free loans and scholarships to promote readiness and relieve financial distress of Soldiers and their Families.
- All assistance requests are unique and considered on an individual basis.
- Emergency travel
- Natural disaster preparation and evacuation
- Mortgage, rent and initial deposit
- Temporary lodging
- Food
- Healthcare not covered by TRICARE
- Vehicle costs
- Utilities
- Funeral expenses
- Basic essential furniture
- Have a request not listed above? Just ask!
- Appliance costs
- Cranial helmets
- PCS travel
- Child car seats
- Dental care for dependents
- Home repair
- Non-medical attendant travel
- Invitational travel order
- Clothing
- Immigration and passport fees for dependents
- Special needs medical equipment
- Spouse relicensing and recertification
- Childcare (Army Fee Assistance enrollment required)
The following individuals are eligible for AER assistance in accordance with Army Regulation 930-4:
- Soldiers on active duty and their eligible dependents
- Army Reserve and National Guard Soldiers activated on Title 10 orders for more than 30 days and their eligible dependents
- Soldiers retired for longevity, medical or upon reaching age 60 (reserve component) and their eligible dependents
- Surviving spouses who have not remarried and children of Soldiers who died on active duty or died after reaching retirement eligibility
1. Talk to your chain of command
Your chain of command has the power to approve immediate financial assistance up to $2,000. Your chain of command can also refer you to the on-post AER officer. Your chain of command is empowered to help. Just ask!
2. Visit your AER officer
Any Soldier (active or retired) can visit their nearest AER officer. Officers are conveniently located at many Army installations around the world. No Army post nearby? No problem! Soldiers can visit any military installation and request AER assistance from any military aid society.
3. Call the American Red Cross
Not located within 50 miles of a military installation? The American Red Cross is authorized to provide financial assistance on behalf of AER. Call the American Red Cross at 1-877-272-7337 and select the option for financial assistance.
Quick Assist Program
AER’s most powerful program. Company commanders or first sergeants can approve financial assistance up to $2,000. Last year, 8,000 Soldiers received over $10 million in financial assistance from their chains of command. Give leadership the opportunity to help. Talk to your chain of command.
Wounded Warrior Assistance Program
Soldier for life! Army Wounded Warriors receive personal access to AER assistance. Applicants located within 50 miles of a military installation should visit the on-base military aid office for a consultation. Applicants not located within 50 miles of an installation should contact their AW2 advocate or AER HQ.
Survivor Assistance
Surviving spouses and children of active and retired Soldiers are eligible for financial assistance. Assistance is provided as a grant for an individual request. Monthly stipends may be provided for the most destitute.
Wounded Warrior Comfort Grants
Soldiers medically evacuated from hostile fire or imminent danger area, peacekeeping operations or training exercises within CONUS receive immediate financial assistance. A $1,000 grant is provided at the time of hospitalization. AER has provided over $3 million in comfort grants since inception.
Educational Scholarships
Spouses and children of active and retired Soldiers are eligible for educational scholarship programs. AER provides over $8 million in educational scholarships every year.
Childcare Assistance
Families enrolled in the Army Fee Assistance program are eligible for up to $1,500 in child-care assistance ($500 per month for three months) in addition to assistance provided through the program. Families must be enrolled in Army Fee Assistance and demonstrate valid need through the completion of a budget.
Retired Lt. Gen. Nathaniel R. Thompson Jr. Career Skills Support Program
Retiring and separating Soldiers in the U.S. Army’s Career Skills Program are eligible for grants ($500 to $2,000 depending on location) to assist with costs and lessen the obstacles that can come with making the military-to-civilian transition.
- Charity Navigator Four Star Charity
- Guidestar Platinum Transparency
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