Camp Corral

About Camp Corral
The vision behind Camp Corral is one where kids, ages 8 to 15, are free to be kids, far away from the day-to-day challenges they face as children of military service members and veterans. We partner with some of the best camps around the United States to host each session. Camp Corral has proven to be a “week of a lifetime,” providing kids non-stop fun with activities like canoeing, swimming, fishing, arts and crafts, ropes course challenges, horseback riding, and more. Campers have the priceless opportunity to connect with other kids who understand the unique challenges that come with military life. Each of our host camps provides top-quality programming that teaches the skills needed to build emotional resilience. The positive effects may follow a child for a lifetime.
Eligibility Requirements
Camp Corral is for children ages 8 to 15. To submit an application the child must be between the ages of 8-15 on the first day of the session. No exceptions will be made.
Camp Corral’s mission is to serve children of wounded, ill, injured, and fallen service members. We consider children who have a parent in one of these categories ‘mission status’. We define each category as follows:
- Wounded – an injury (both visible and invisible) related to combat
- Injury – any type of service related injury (both visible and invisible) not caused by combat
- Ill – illness related to service (cancer, ALS, addiction)
- Fallen – the service member has passed away
Only if the service member or veteran grandparent(s) is the child’s legal guardian are grandchildren eligible to attend Camp Corral.
Children of Veterans separated from service are eligible to attend.
Application Instructions
The application MUST be filled out by a custodial parent or guardian. The application IS NOT mobile friendly. You must be on a tablet or computer to complete it. A separate application must be completed for each child. To qualify for Camp Corral, children must be between the ages of 8-15 on the first day of the session AND have a parent or legal guardian who is serving or has served in the US military.
- PyschArmor, Certified Veteran Ready Organization
- Guidestar Platinum Seal of Transparency, 2018
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