Joint Military & Family Assistance Center

Bordentown, NJ 08505-2124 Get Directions
About Joint Military & Family Assistance Center
Family Assistance Centers
Family Assistance Centers (FACs) are local resource centers for Service Members and their Families.
The FAC staff provides information and referrals to local resources as well as state and federal military support programs.
The FAC staff are trained professionals (4 retired service members and 2 military spouses) that understand the challenges associated with the military lifestyle. When challenges occur, you need timely and accurate information, compassion and reliable support. No matter what challenges arise, the military family can be assured that the Family Assistance Center will help with solutions
Family Assistance Centers Programs and Services
One Call Does It All
Family Assistance Centers are located around the state to serve the needs of Servicemembers and their families. Whether pre-, during or post-deployment, these centers offer information and referral services to all service member and their families regardless of their branch of service or duty status. For more information, contact the local Family Assistance Center.
Essential Services:
- ID Cards/DEERS Information & Referrals: Shall provide information, referral and follow-up services including but not limited to providing information on ID card eligibility, DEERs RAPIDs processing center locations, and assisting with scheduling DEERs appointments.
- Financial Information: Shall provide information, referral and follow-up services including but not limited to providing information about military pay and benefits, information on loans and grants programs, budget classes, and emergency financial assistance.
- Benefits & Entitlements: This service provides information on benefits and entitlements for military service members and their families, commissary exchange privileges, discount ticket sales and free weekend retreats.
- Tricare: Shall provide information, referral and follow-up services including but not limited to information about health benefits and programs, medical and dental applications, local participating providers, information on processing TRICARE claims.
- Exceptional Family Member Program: Shall provide information, referral and follow-up services including but not limited to providing the DA 7415 to determine EFMP eligibility, online or on-site EFMP overview and training, process for enrollment, and answering frequently asked questions.
- Legal Resources: Shall provide information, referral and follow-up services including but not limited to providing information about Powers’ of Attorney, information on Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve (ESGR), information about the Service Members Civil Relief Act (SCRA), information about Wills.
- Emergency Family Assistance Center: In the event of a local or national emergency the FAC will be available to receive calls for assistance as well as record any changed in location or telephone numbers in the event of an evacuation, thus making it easier for a deployed service member to contact his/her family.
- Community Information and Outreach: Shall provide information, referral and follow-up services including but not limited to providing information regarding networks of local, regional, and national community programs, organizations, and businesses who are available to provide support and services to FAC customers (i.e.: providing child care information and resources and education grants and benefits).
- Crisis Intervention: Shall provide information, referral and follow-up services including but not limited to providing information for and provide assistance to Domestic Abuse Support Services/Reporting, Child Abuse and Neglect Services/Reporting, Danger to Self-Response Services, Danger to Others Response Services, Abuse and Neglect of a Vulnerable Adult Response services. Crisis may be personal, social, financial, emotional or medical in nature.
Family Assistance Centers:
Woodbury 856-537-6133
Toms River 848-226-3236
Jersey City 201-915-3589
Morristown 973-656-3592
Lawrenceville 609-671-6681
Atlantic City 609-441-3191 x124
Somerset 732-867-0920
Survivor Outreach Services
Mission Statement: To embrace and reassure Survivors that they are continually linked to the Military Family through a unified support program that enables them to remain an important part of the Military for as long as they desire.
The Survivor Outreach Services (SOS) program is an Army-wide program which demonstrates our commitment to Families of the Fallen. SOS is a holistic and multi-agency approach to delivering services to Survivors by providing those services closest to where the Families live.
What does the SOS program do?
Serves Military Surviving Families within the State of New Jersey:
- National Guard, Reserves, and Active Duty
- Provides information on the benefits and entitlements available to military Families
- Ensures access to all entitled benefits for Families
- Performs as an advocate on behalf of Survivors
- Provides basic budgeting/financial management resources
- Provides grief and bereavement counseling resources
- Provides estate planning resources
- Functions as long term support for Survivors
Yellow Ribbon Reintegration Program
When it comes to the deployment phase, we strive to be there from beginning to end, from dusk to dawn, through smiles and frowns. The intent of the program is to prepare National Guard, Reserve Members, and their families for deployment; sustain their families during deployment; and reintegrate Service Members with their families, communities, and employers upon release from active duty in various fun-filled ways.
YRRP helps Service Members and their Families navigate the numerous Department of Defense (DoD), Veterans Affairs, and state systems to ensure they receive information and assistance regarding all the skills, benefits and entitlements via an interactive, integrating experience. The full scope of the Yellow Ribbon Reintegration Program is beyond an easily presentable list.
Child & Youth Program
The New Jersey National Guard Child & Youth Program is here to help provide the support and resources youth need to deal with the separation from a parent, child care issues, difficulties with school and many other problems. Children of all ages can be affected at any phase of military life; we have program stop help one and all. We also provide children and youth ages 5-18 with various opportunities to develop their physical, social, emotional and cognitive abilities and to experience achievement, leadership, friendship and recognition. For more information, please contact the CYP Coordinators.
Youth Camps
Annual week-long summer youth camp by the beach for National Guard youth ages 9 and up. We also team up with Operation Military Kids to provide quality weekend retreats and family camps throughout the State.
Resources & Referral
We are advocates for military children and are here to educate families and promote the various programs (ie, childcare, extracurricular grants) that the child/family may be eligible for.
Education Outreach
Reaching out to school officials, educators and counselors through mailings, in-service presentations, briefings and state-wide training opportunities.
Youth Briefings
Provide youth briefings at Yellow Ribbon Programs, FRG Meetings, unit events and Conferences. We brief available youth resources, have activities and distribute material.
Month of the Military Child
Some events we hold to thank and honor our Young Heroes include the Battle Lab Tour and Celebration of Military Children at the YMCA.
Strong Bonds
Strong Bonds is a chaplain-led program, for commanders, which builds relationship resiliency. The Strong Bonds mission is to increase Soldier and Family readiness through relationship education and skills training.
Strong Bonds Singles
The Strong Bonds Single Soldier program is designed to help you establish relationship goals and gain essential skills to help you make a good choice prior to picking a partner for life. A supportive mate is extremely important so the Army is committed to helping you learn how to make good relationship choices by offering the Strong Bonds Single Soldier program. With this program, you and other Soldiers from your unit will attend training off site for a retreat weekend. In addition to relevant teaching and skills training, Strong Bonds weekends include time for relaxation, recreation, fellowship, and fun.
Strong Bonds Couples
The Strong Bonds Couples weekend retreat is designed to strengthen relationships, inspire hope, and rekindle marriages even start the journey of healing for relationships under fire. In small groups, you’ll participate in activities that renew bonds with your peers. And, as a couple, you’ll practice communication and relationship building skills, as well as share intimate moments.
Military OneSource
Military OneSource is a confidential Department of Defense-funded program providing comprehensive information, resources, and resource referrals on every aspect of military life at no cost to active duty, Guard and Reserve Component members and their families. Information and resources includes, but is not limited to, deployment, reunion, relationships, grief, spouse employment and education, parenting and childhood, and more.
Confidential services are available 24 hours a day by telephone and online. In addition to the website support, Military OneSource offers a confidential call center and online support for consultations on a number of issues such as spouse education and career opportunities, issues specific to families with a member with special needs, health coaching, financial support, and more.
24/7 Confidential Call Center: 1-800-342-9647
Personal Finance Counselor
Make the Most of Your Money
The Military & Family Life Consultant (MFLC) Program includes personal financial counseling to help you and your family manage your finances, resolve financial problems and reach long-term goals, such as getting an education, buying a home, and planning for retirement.
- Support & counseling services
- Confidential financial consultations for individuals and families
- Referrals to military and community resources
- Support for family members while you’re deployed
- Help with credit management and budgeting
- Help navigating state-related benefits
Transition Assistance Advisor
Get the Benefits You Earned
The state Transition Assistance Advisor (TAA) is here to direct you to the benefits you have earned with the compassion of someone who has been there. Someone who knows how to get you through the maze of benefits and services offered through the Veterans Administration, Department of Defense, and Department of Labor to name a few. Benefits such as:
- Guard entitlements and access for healthcare in both the DoD and VA medical facilities
- TRICARE benefits while you are on active duty and when you return as an OIF/OEF Veteran
- Important deadlines that require your action while still on active duty and as a Veteran so you do not miss these time-sensitive opportunities
- VA dental care programs (time-sensitive benefits)
- Referral for counseling services for you and your family that will not affect your career
- Referral for possible compensation for injuries or illness sustained in OEF and OIF
- Insurance information such as SGLI, TSGLI, FSGLI
- Rehabilitative care management needed to help you return to a normal lifestyle; CBWTU transition
- Assistance with job search and connection with ESGR for rights of employment
- Assistance in connecting you to the Veterans Benefits Administration and Veterans Services Organizations to file disability/compensation claims
- Assistance in the event of financial hardship, healthcare issues, or unemployment needs
- Assistance with locating your medical records, DD 214s and other needed documents
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