National League of POW/MIA Families

Suite 100
Falls Church, VA 22041 Get Directions
Hours of Operation
Monday-Friday- 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Saturday and Sunday- CLOSED
About National League of POW/MIA Families
The National League of POW/MIA Families, incorporated on May 28, 1970, was formed to obtain the release of all prisoners, the fullest possible accounting for the missing and repa-triation of all recoverable remains of those who died serving our nation during the Vietnam War. Without the League, America’s POW/MIAs would long ago have been forgotten. The League is proud that our efforts led to today’s world-wide mission. We are also proud that our flag is universally and legally recognized as the symbol of America’s commitment to recover our POW/MIAs.
The League is a nonprofit, tax-exempt 501(c)3 humanitarian organization, financed by contri-butions from the families, veterans, and other Americans. Donations are gratefully accepted, tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law, and may be made by sending a check to the League office, electronically by visiting, and through the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC #10218) or United Way.
The League’s voting membership is comprised of the wives, children, parents, siblings and other close relatives of Americans who were or are listed as POW, MIA, KIA/BNR, and returned US POWs from the Vietnam War. Associate Membership is comprised of extended family member relatives of POW/MIAs who do not meet the voting requirements, veterans, and other concerned citizens.
American public support is critical to achieving the League goals: accounting as fully as possible for our POW/MIAs, America’s UNRETURNED VETERANS, by obtaining concrete answers that bring their families, friends, and our Nation long-awaited peace of mind. The first steps:
Become Informed: Join as a member for $25 a year to receive the League Newsletter and regular updates
Educate: Distribute facts to friends, co-workers and at meetings of civic, fraternal, business and veteran organizations.
Hold appropriate ceremonies; fly our POW/MIA flag on Armed Forces Day, Memorial Day, Flag Day, Independence Day, National POW/MIA Recognition Day, Veterans Day, or 24/7
- Members of Congress, asking for full funding for the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency (DPAA). You can go to and to find your Representative and Senators.
- The Vietnamese Embassy, asking them to continue providing archives and records that will help account for missing Americans.
The media, urging them to contact the League.
The National League of POW/MIA Families, incorporated on May 28, 1970, was
formed to obtain the release of all prisoners, the fullest possible accounting for
the missing and repatriation of all recoverable remains of those who died serving
our nation during the Vietnam War. Without the League, America’s POW/MIAs would
long ago have been forgotten. The League is proud that our efforts led to today’s
worldwide mission. We are also proud that our flag is universally and legally
recognized as the symbol of America’s commitment to account for our POW/MIAs.
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