Tech For Troops

Hours of Operation
Monday-Friday: 9:00 am-4:00 pm
Saturday and Sunday: CLOSED
About Tech For Troops
Working computers can provide a new life to struggling veterans rather than being discarded.
Many veterans face two significant barriers when competing in the modern workforce: the lack of a computer and the lack of the skills needed to effectively use that computer.
T4T supports these veterans by collecting used technology that would usually end up in landfills, then refurbishing the laptops and other devices.
They provide the reloaded technology, along with training, to veterans in need for low or no cost.
Who We Are:
Tech For Troops was started in Richmond, Virginia by a mother and son team who were passionate about military veterans in need and wanted to do something to help. In 2013 after hearing about the force reductions and a huge number of returning soldiers, they decided to collect used PCs and Macs, refurbish them, and provide them to veterans’ support organizations.
Since then we’ve grown to supporting veterans nationwide and continue to look for ways to offer workforce support and training.
Who We Help:
We help both transitioning active duty and veterans, including reserve, guard, and auxiliary service members.
Richmond area recipients must attend a Veteran Improvement Basic Computer Literacy Training class prior to receiving the gift of technology. If you are Computer Literate, we will ask you to “test” out to show your competency. If outside of Richmond, we can arrange to have your equipment shipped (PO boxes not accepted). Applying for a scholarship may help reduce the cost of the equipment being shipped.
Some of the organizations that have received computers from Tech For Troops are:
- Veterans’ Employment Program
- DLW Veterans Outreach and Training Center
- American Legion Posts across the US
- Wounded Warrior Project
- VFW across the US
- Liberation Veteran Services
- McGuire VA Medical Center
- American Legion Ransom Post 186
- Team Red White and Blue
Who is Eligible?
Tech For Troops’ Veteran Improvement Program (VIP) supplies qualifying Veterans and Veteran Assistance Organizations with refurbished computers at low or no cost. Each computer has a fresh install of the operating system and is excellent for typical office tasks such as word processing and browsing the web.
Tech For Troops gifts computers to:
1. Veterans, National Guard, and active duty transitioning in need.
2. Non-profits with a mission to help Veterans such as Veterans training centers, counseling centers, Veterans housing organizations, etc.
How to Request a Computer:
Please complete the online application to request a computer. Scholarships are sometimes provided toward the purchase of devices from Tech For Troops to reduce the overall cost. Local Veterans may attend our training classes to receive a device a low or no cost. If you are in need of assistance to complete the application, please contact your local Veteran Service Organization of choice or non-profit partner.
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