The COMMIT Foundation

Hours of Operation
About The COMMIT Foundation
Transition Support From Military to Civilian Life
Moved by the experience of her husband’s service struggles in transition and the veterans she met who were entering civilian life, Anne Meree Craig partnered with a friend and founded The COMMIT Foundation in 2012.
Anne Meree wanted to create a place where those who served our Nation could gain information, confidence and imagination in their transition journey. What she created was The COMMIT Foundation, where all veterans already have a unique value proposition that benefits our communities.
While The COMMIT Foundation has stayed true to this original mission, as the military need has shifted, The COMMIT Foundation has continued to evolve. Focusing on the areas of identity and purpose and building a supportive community, COMMIT strives to ensure that all service members can achieve a meaningful life post-military service. Over twelve years later COMMIT has served over 5,000 service members, veterans and family members through over 17,000 services.
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