Veterans & Community Housing Coalition

Bldg 2 Suite 313
Ballston Spa, , NY 12020 Get Directions
Hours of Operation
8:00 AM - 4:00 PM - Monday-Friday
Saturday & Sunday - CLOSED
About Veterans & Community Housing Coalition
Our Mission
To provide housing and support services to all homeless military veterans and their families and to advocate on behalf of all military veterans and their families and to provide housing opportunities for low income households.
Transitional Housing Programs
For Veterans
Studies show that the most effective programs for homeless and at-risk veterans are community-based, nonprofit, “veterans helping veterans” groups. Programs that seem to work best is transitional housing with the camaraderie of living in structured, substance-free environments with fellow veterans who are succeeding at bettering themselves.
To be eligible for these housing program an individual must provide a DD214 (release papers from the military) that shows their discharge was not dishonorable. In addition, they must be homeless, have zero to low income and must be willing to work on the issues that created the homeless situation.
The transitional Programs of VCHC provide this support while assisting each Veteran attain their goals to live a productive life in their Community.
Permanent Housing Programs
For Veterans
In addition to the many issues facing our Veterans today, the lack of affordable housing is a major cause of homelessness for Veterans. Over the years, VCHC has developed several permanent housing programs for Veterans and Veterans with families.
These programs provide a permanent housing option for Veterans who were formerly homeless or at risk to become homeless.
To be eligible for these housing program an individual must provide a DD214 (release papers from the military) that shows their discharge was not dishonorable. In addition, they must be homeless, have zero to low income and must be willing to work on the issues that created the homeless situation.
Veteran Community Housing
For Veterans and their Families
Serving Veterans in Saratoga, Warren, Washington, Fulton, Montgomery, Schoharie and Schenectady Counties, this unique program offers support and temporary financial assistance to veterans and their families. The program assists and veterans with families obtain or sustain housing, VA benefits, health care, employment, and public benefits.
Through this program we are able to rapidly rehouse a Veteran who has been evicted. We work with Utility Companies to prevent shut off. If the Veteran is evicted, this program provides assistance with securing a new home and support services to help them maintain it. Serving seven Counties, this program assists over 100 veterans a year.
Saratoga County Rental Assistance Program (SCRAP)
VCHC administers the Saratoga County Rental Assistance Program (SCRAP) the purpose of the Saratoga County Rental Assistance Program (RAP) is to provide tenant-based rental assistance to 26 homeless individuals with disabilities and their families in Saratoga County.
These disabilities include mental illness, chronic substance abuse problems, and/or HIV/AIDS, Developmental Disability or Physical Disability that is expected to be long-term and continued duration and sustainability impedes a person’s ability to live independently.
To qualify for this program, the individual or family must be income eligible and met the Housing and Urban Developments HUD definition of homelessness which requires meeting one or more of the following criteria:
- Living on a Street/or in a Place Not Meant For Human Habitation
- Living in Emergency Housing/Emergency Shelter
- Living in Transitional Housing Specifically for Homeless People
- Being Discharged from an Institution – 90 days or under
- Fleeing Domestic Violence with no other housing options
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